World Peace - Many Paths

The Earth Proclamation

We are One people...
We share One planet...
We have One common dream...
We want to live in peace...
We choose to protect and heal the Earth...
We decide to create a better world for all...
We will do our best to make that dream come true...
We will change what needs to be changed...
We will learn, to love, share and forgive...
We are One people, we want to live and we will.

My Personal Commitment:
I, the undersigned,
aware that human activities are seriously endangering the fragile ecosystems of our planet, aware of the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots, aware of the need to redirect my energies to protect and restore the global Web of Life, decide to begin right now to rethink my ways and values, and change what needs to be changed in myself and around me.

I want the year 2000 ­ a symbol for a New Beginning ­ to be the turning point in the local and global efforts now underway to create a better world based on equality, justice and a sustainable planet ­ a world in which Peace on Earth prevails.

Understanding that we are all individually responsible for the kind of future we will create for our children and for countless generations to come, I will participate in initiatives, locally and globally, to transform our world and protect this Jewel of Life we call Earth.

I agree with this Earth Proclamation and personally commit myself to do all that I can to spread it throughout the world and help make our shared dream of Peace, Love and Harmony on Earth come true.

________________________________ Signed on the ____ of __________ 199__

(Make copies before signing - to share it with others, then stick it up and read it from time to time.)

In preparation for the year 2000 millennial celebrations that will take place all around the world, an international effort has arisen to use this opportunity to create a sense of anticipation about the great changes that can occur for the well-being of all people and all life forms on Earth. We therefore present this Earth Proclamation to foster a more responsible vision of humanity's role for our future and ask that you help copy and spread it throughout the world. If everyone reading this for the first time decides to introduce one more person, everyday, to this common goal hereby described, billions of people will have a chance to make this personal commitment by the year 2000.

This copy of the Earth Proclamation is provided by Spiritual Endeavors. (
The original was started and distributed by by the Earth Rainbow Network.

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