Many Paths Pavilion - Basic Spirituality area

The Finger of God

by Rev. Rick Jelusich

In order to feel the effects of our actions here, we often associate feelings together that are better left separate. We tend to act, sometimes in enabling ways, out of the goodness of our hearts; nonetheless not really serving in the correct or optimal manner the needs of both parties in a relationship.

Women who sabotage and men who cannot commit often fall into the trap of associating two states of consciousness together, hoping for the best while reaping the worst. The emotion of love for another often will become mixed with other feelings such as guilt, obligation, respect, responsibility, and loyalty. What we say we are doing in acting out of love sometimes turns into a continuation of a less-than-optimal exchange of energies. This effectively roots us in lower relationships, where expectations are not met, and the reoccurrence of the drama is assured by its own unhealthy nature.

When you are engaged in such an exchange, it is often extremely difficult to see the true dynamics of the relationship because of personal investment of emotions and personalities.

Do you notice that you come to a point in these relationships beyond which you cannot pass? Where the emotional boiling point has been met and demands an answer, often in anguish and in anger?

Would you accept the possibility that you already have the answers to these seeming dilemmas within you, and that you are playing out the experience? Often, the answer comes from what you believe to be outside of yourself, such as the attentive ear of a dear friend or the counsel of one whom you trust. In reality, it comes from yourself, and your desire to outwardly manifest solutions to the dramas unfolding within you to bring to wholeness and completeness.

It is your courage to love yourself enough to command the blessings that are your due. The individual that seeks true healing will always manifest the healer, in manifold ways. The Finger of God is the ultimate decision that you make in order to refine and define the boundaries that are the posts of your comfort zone.

Sometimes, the most loving word that you can say to another is "no." For in stating what is and is not allowable for you sets the conditions of what you allow into your life. It is not the same as living life with blinders one, negating reality, or hiding from the obvious. Instead, it is separating Love from guilt and fear, and treating each in their own due regard. If you were in an enabling relationship where for the intense love you feel for another you allow and unhealthy relationship to continue, it may indeed be most healthy by saying "no" to the continuation of allowing the other person to transgress your boundaries.

If you can look at it as loving that other person in the highest possible way, you are actually helping them more by setting them free from specific interactions with you. And you know that the interactions in life do not change unless you change them, for you are consciously altering your position and acting on your increased perception of where the energies in a relationship are really going.

Do you sabotage yourself in relationships; capitulating to an expectation that you have in your partner that may or may not come to pass? Do you expect them to someday change or to become what you desire in the best for them, meanwhile sacrificing and sabotaging your joy in the now? Have you attached other feelings to your love for that person, that is a lower aspect of your intense love of them?

Do you have a dread of commitment to your partner, for fear you may be tied down or obligated? Have you attached to your fervent love of your partner the feelings of guilt and obligation, obscuring the beauty you saw in that person in the first place?

We learn through our experiences. In relationships, we engage in an exchange of emotions, feelings, and actions that pass through the nexus of our evolution's snapshot in time. We learn as we go, and aspire naturally towards a certain perfection, made the more holy by a spiritual commitment to perceive the higher truths of our existence.

Opening such a foray into truth, swaddled in the folds of the search for God in Love, Wisdom, and the Will, we will obtain levels of truth that are sometimes unsettling, often surprising, and definitely unpredictable. If you engage in such a path, you will learn discernment where it applies most; within yourself. Sometimes painfully and sometimes repeatedly, these lessons of life come as surely as the tide and are made evermoreso intense according to your desire to aspire.

In relationships, those challenge points you come to are set up by you, for you. And sometimes you must be like the Finger of God, delineating with certainty what you will and will not accept in your life. It is in the claiming and stating of your will, that the terms of your relationships are set. It is in the constancy of the maintenance of your will that the relationship gains continuity according to your desires. It is also in the open heart and the open mind that you allow your will to shift and grow with new information that inevitably comes about through the living of life.

How much sweeter it is to have a clear mind and a clear heart; not harnessed to the millstone of guilt, obligation, or fear. Can you say at this time that you are clear in your relationships? Are there some illusions within the body of your relationships that are ready for dispelling and clarity? The illusion you clear, you do for yourself, and the effect it has on your partner is a reflection of the harmlessness, love and clarity you put into it.

Through your own aspirations as a spiritual being, seeking God, you will naturally bring that nexus of your consciousness into many relationships on many levels. Would you separate yourself from your innate ability to bring these experiences into manifestation by saying you hope certain things will transpire? You know you are a co-creator, hand-in-hand with the Divine in making reality in this place. What makes reality real is your ability to discern one thing from another.

Hard as it is, often the most difficult to discern are the truths behind the realities we create in our relationships. A simple example of an illusion is how we sometimes imagine future events, such as how our job will go on Monday. Then we imagine all types of scenarios in that job, and give them energy. Before anything has even transpired, we have lived out the experience in illusion!

It does take some effort to be in the now, to be discerning, and to know when you have come to that place where you must stand as the Finger of God and determine your reality. Do it, and you live your life on purpose. Do it not, and you tread the emotional waters of your life in a self-perpetuating limbo.

Remember who you are; created in His image. The essence of God is within you, and it is in the seeking that you shall find. It is in the union of the heart and the mind. It is in separating yourself from separation itself. That means, removing the separative qualities of guilt, fear, obligation, etc., from the true, higher love and compassion that are already within you.

You know you're an aspirant on the path. Allow it to be so, that higher truth is always unfolding upon you. It is like accepting a mantle of Light from Buddha, Jesus, Sanat Kumara. Would you not accept such a blessing were it offered to you? And, are such blessings indeed offered? Of course they are. You are the children of God; does the father forget or does the child forget? Does the father get caught up or does the child?

You have the right to choose what you desire, and you must act upon your feelings. Love and Wisdom become the Trinity of God when Active Intelligence, or Will, is the third component. Your actions determine who you are and the reality you accrue. Application of your love and wisdom is the key to action and the affect of the change within structures of relationships. It is the way you forge ahead through emotional circumstance and partnership dynamics to fruition of the relationship.

You have a gift of the Divine Presence right there within yourself. You can allow it to lie dormant, or you can use it, but the choice is yours alone. The development of character and the accumulation of merit through right action, right behavior and harmlessness is an individual experience. And only you can determine that for yourself.

Allow yourself to be more conscious and you will be so. Allow yourself to grow in your relationships and you surely will. There is no forcing, only allowing, for it is in the receptive heart that understanding is possible, and in the quiet hear that truth can be heard.

Rev. Rick Jelusich


by Rev. Rick Jelusich
Rev Rick is an internationally known psychic, healer, spiritual accelerator and activator who tours, lectures, and facilitates workshops and seminars. He is also available for private healing sessions as well as readings in person or via telephone. He has appeared numerous times on radio and television, and publishes the monthly periodical, LIGHT NEWS, both in hard copy and on the Internet. You may visit his web site at or go directly to his site from our links page.

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