World Peace & Prayer Day

Mitakuye oyasin,

My name is Chief Arvol Looking Horse. As the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, I invite you to attend the third World Peace and Prayer Day at the Sacred Pipestone quarries in Pipestone, Minnesota on June 21, 1998.

According to Lakota Star Knowledge, June 21 is set as time to pray. Pipestone is the home of the stone from which our Sacred Pipes are created, the place that holds the blood of our ancestors. The necessity of the gathering was first brought to us in 1994 when the birth of the first White Buffalo Calf signaled the changes that are coming and the fulfilling of the prophecies of the seventh generation.

Since then, three more White Buffalo Calves have been born. Their birth relates to our ceremonies and signifies the impact of what we are facing. The prophecies have directed that we pray for four years at sacred sites in the four directions on June 21st of each year. Our prophecies tell us that we are at the crossroads. We are faced with either chaos and disaster, or we can unite spiritually in peace and harmony. It is time to bring the message of the need for peace throughout the world.

As a keeper of a sacred bundle, I ask for prayers for Global Healing! Our Mother Earth is suffering. Her wonderful gift of water, trees, and air is being abused. Her children the two-legged, the four-legged, those that swim, crawl and fly are being annihilated. We continuously see these atrocities. Our relatives, the animal nations reflect our well-being. What happens to them, happens to us. The buffalo, wolf, salmon, bear, caribou, eagle and other relatives in this fragile ecosystem are all in danger and suffering. Their voices must be heard. They need our help. This is a call to all peoples. We ask that all people join us in prayer every June 21, 1998.

If you are unable to be with us, we ask that you gather at your own sacred site, wherever the Spirit guides you to pray. To those that can join us we ask you to bring your stories and prayers. We make a special call to the wisdom and sacred bundle keepers, our storytellers, medicine society knowledge keepers, peacekeepers. We gather so that our future generations may survive through peace and balance. In our circle of life there is no beginning and no ending. The process of mending the sacred hoop continues.

May peace be with you, my relatives.

Mitakuye oyasin,

Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

The gathering this year, 1998, will take place in Pipestone, Minnesota from June 19-21,   Special invitation to our youth. Plan to bring tobacco, food, a gift, sage and your own dishes to share. Pipestone Gathering Information (612)837-1754 Email:    Groups are welcome to observe World Peace and Prayer Day in their own traditions in their lands. Please email   of coordinated observances.

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