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Special Section - Introducing " S P I R I T "
the new White Buffalo

Spiritual Endeavors is indeed privileged to be allowed to share information concerning the birth of SPIRIT, the new white buffalo, and has set up these special pages as a public service.

Information            Pictures 


First Public Announcement:

Spirit, a female white buffalo was born approximately May 1. No humans were present at her birth, and therefore it is assumed to be a natural birth. Spirit is currently living with her mother and father, in the same field. Both are alive and well, and living with a small group of other buffalo.

"She is approximately  6 months old, now. Very gentle. We thought she should be shared with people to let them know the legend is alive and well. We have seen how the others were marketed, and we do not want to make her into circus, but we want her to just relax and enjoy her surroundings."

"She is very far from any road... hardly any one has seen her... but maybe 10 people."

"We have just been enjoying her because she is so very gentle."

~ A friend of Spirit

"This is a very important sign, to not only our people, but all people and all nations everywhere... This is the seventh, and comes in times of great importance. I will pray on this for full understanding." 

~ Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
  19th Generation Keeper of   
the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe  

Future updates will be posted at . Related articles follow.

The Birth Of Spirit
A New White Buffalo

The birth of Miracle, the first white buffalo born in over three generations, caught the attention of the world just a few years ago. The real miracle was not, however,  just her rare whiteness; she was a powerful spiritual symbol to many peoples, both native and not. As a symbol for World Peace and the Unity of all peoples, she was visited by Religious and State Dignitaries; even the Dalhi Lama made his way down the dirt farm road to the Heider Ranch where Miracle lives.

Miracle was, and indeed still is, the fulfillment of Native American prophecy, a plea for humanity to walk in the "Light", and a symbol of hope for the future of all generations. 

As if to emphasize the importance of the message of Miracle, Mother Nature soon produced another white buffalo. Then another. Then another... and another. A couple died of natural causes within days; White buffalo usually have an extremely short lifespan. One was found shot by an unknown person or persons while still just a few months old. 

But the Universal Forces... Mother Nature... or Spirit, as I sometimes call that great unseen All That Is, will not be stopped. The Importance of the message represented by the white buffalo will be repeated and emphasized until it is recognized by all. Spirit is the seventh white buffalo to be born within the past few years. That in itself is phenomenal and defies all scientific explanation. 

Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe, in a private conversation with me, stated, "This is a very important sign, to not only our people, but all people and all nations everywhere... This is the seventh, and comes in times of great importance to us all...  Our prophecies tell us that we are at the crossroads. We are faced with either chaos and disaster, or we can unite spiritually in peace and harmony.... I will pray for full understanding." 
(Chief Arvol Looking Horse is also a active World Peace advocate, and founder of World Peace and Prayer day - see for more information.)

To me, the birth of "Spirit" is surely a sign of just that - The Birth Of Spirit. The coming of Spirit into our physical world in a much stronger way than ever before; the entering of Spirit into our hearts and lives. She is Mother Nature Herself, reminding us of the Path or harmony with all beings that we as a species have such difficulty seeing. She is a reminder of the ancient prophecies of many peoples, and beliefs. 

The 1994 birth of the first modern white buffalo, Miracle, is believed to have been the sign that these times are at hand. Shortly thereafter, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, called upon spiritual leaders from around the world to join him in praying for global peace and healing, and issued an invitation for people of all faiths to gather at their own sacred sites or places of worship, and pray in their own manner, on the first World Peace and Prayer Day. Since that time, although a particular day is still set aside annually, the movement has expanded to make every day a day of prayer for world peace.

To those of us who have dedicated their lives to a world at peace; To those of us who live to see a unity of all peoples everywhere; To those of us who choose Love and Acceptance over discord and violence; To those of us who pursue a life of harmony and good will towards all: I offer the message of a new white buffalo. Take Heart all: Spirit is here! 

To those of us who know better than we do; To those of us who would like to, but haven't yet changed the desire into action; To those of us who have heard the calling, but have not yet listened: I repeat the message of the new white buffalo. Let us heed the message of Spirit. 

It is time.

Simon Hunt          
Founder, Spiritual Endeavors


When Spiritual Endeavors was informed of the birth of Spirit, the individual stated that they would not allow a circus to be made of the event as has been done with previous white buffalo births. 

For this reason Spiritual Endeavors has chosen an alternative method of sharing this important news with those for whom it will have the most impact and meaning. Rather than making the releases to the main stream press and wire services, this announcement is being distributed to a select number of alternative distribution lists, Internet (email) and otherwise. 

Many of these alternative networks were born of the frustration produced by the mainstream news sources ignoring stories and releases of pertinence to a more "enlightened" and "concerned" populace who have grown beyond the "prime time" state of consciousness. 

It is the intent of Spiritual Endeavors to utilize these alternative networks for the purpose for which they were created, and honors these organizations and networks for their efforts. Therefore we are asking you to distribute this information throughout your personal or organization network so that it can reach as many individuals as possible, in as short a time as possible. That this news is already distributed world wide before the mainstream press becomes aware of it will surely be a wake up call and reminder to all news services everywhere - that they exist to serve the public's desires. And the public's desires are quickly growing beyond the "Network Ratings" games.

Spiritual Endeavors thanks each involved network, and each member of every network for their cooperation and their contribution to the creation of a better world for us all. Thank you.

 Simon Hunt

Privacy Note:

I was contacted by email on 10/11/00 and in a very few sentences strong with sentiment, informed of the birth of Spirit, and the desire for complete privacy.  A picture was attached to the email. Earning my living as a graphic artist and a web designer, I had all the equipment necessary to do a quite thorough examination of the picture at high magnification, and using a variety of techniques.  I was able to find none of the usual telltale marks of a manufactured photograph. In my opinion, the picture was real, and I became very excited. 

I responded to the email, guaranteed the writer complete privacy in the matter, asked for permission to post the picture, as well as any other they would care to send, and asked for more information. Meanwhile, I was able to contact Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe, to inform him of the birth. 

Although the contacting party wished to remain anonymous, they felt that news of Spirit's existence should be shared. Chief Arvol Looking Horse agrees, "This is an important sign and we should let people know."  To this end, as a public service, updates as well as pictures will be posted on these pages as they become available. We will also freely disseminate information through NEW BEGINNINGS, the newsletter of Spiritual Endeavors, and a few selected "alternative" mailing lists. (see below article) 

Spiritual Endeavors is a non-profit organization and has assumed this role purely as a public service and does not stand to gain financially in any way from assuming this role. NEW BEGINNINGS in hard copy is available for only $10 for a year, and the FREE email version is available by clicking here. The Complete Newsletter is also posted here. You may also return to this page as often as you like to look for updates. 

S-E is committed to honoring the sovereignty of Spirit, and agrees wholeheartedly with our unidentified contact - Spirit should cherished, enjoyed, and respected... not marketed for gain. 

Simon Hunt  

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