The Planetary Awakening Network
The Planetary Awakening Network is an international association of internet based networks devoted to positive planetary transformation. There are currently over 300 networks from 33 countries. Some networks are as big as several thousand people an others as small as 5 individuals. This association of networks is creating a beautiful web of light around the planet. As we get to know one another and exchange ideas, information and resources, we are creating a "synergy of service" to the world with One Heart and in One Spirit. If you are involved in conscious raising activities in the area of human relations, peace education, the environment, complementary health and healing, spiritual development, or planetary and galactic citizenship - and if you would like to connect and exchange information with others around the world who are involved in similar efforts, then your participation would be appropriate. There is no charge or cost. If you are seeking information in the above areas you may wish to visit the Planetary Awakening Network Web-Ring: See the Web-Ring information below. (Opening March 10th, 1999 - in testing phase until then.)