Many Paths - Mother Earth Area - Earth Changes Weekly


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Earth Changes Weekly

Earth Changes Weekly is a unique report which not only documents "Earth Changes", but also correlates those Earth Changes with any predictions that may have been made concerning them. This special report is updated weekly and appears courtesy of freelance writer and journalist, Peter P.  who explains more about the conception and utilizations of Earth Changes Weekly in the article, On The Beginning of Earth Changes Weekly, posted further down this page.


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Publication temporarily suspended


SPECIAL REPORT - End-of-Millennium Prophecy Notes

The Archives

Earth-Changes Weekly | June 6 - 12
(Last Issue before suspension of publication)




by Peter P.

Have you ever heard of those psychics who regularly appear on those 'paranormal' radio programs or TV specials? The ones who say, "I predicted that earthquake over SIX MONTHS AGO!", and you think to yourself, "Wow, I must've missed that one," or "that's almost too hard to believe!" and then you ask people you know if THEY ever heard the prediction? Those that do only do so vaguely it seems, if they remember (or even heard it) at all. So you're still at square one.

That dilemma began a journey that ended with EARTH-CHANGES WEEKLY.

It, too, had happened to me. Many times, listening to the radio or while watching one of those TV specials on prophecies. So, when 1998 rolled around, I made a list. Whenever I heard a psychic, on radio (mostly) or TV, I wrote down what was predicted. I checked it against transcripts (or the taped video) so it would be "in his/her words". And, to make it a bit more interesting, I added a few lesser-known names and a set of 'control' predictions (using what I call 'Scientific Prophecy', studying past trends & dissimilar but analogous current events and combining the two into a third, different & entirely possible future occurrence.)

I had long had an interest in what are commonly called "Earth-changes", both physical & spiritual, that stemmed in part both from a near-death experience I had a little over 6 years ago, and a natural fascination with the Earth in all her power and majesty. (There's nothing like a volcanic eruption or a F5 tornado to strike both awe & fear into us - me included.)

Since many of the predictions I started 'tracking' in January were of the "Earth changes" variety, it dovetailed nicely with my interest in the phenomenon. However, it took a newspaper to bring it all together even further. Each Sunday, you see, the local paper runs one page with a "feature" story on the middle, and a column on each side listing the previous week's top national (U.S.) events. One event per day, usually political or financial, or even social, news. Not much that grabbed me, I must admit, until one fateful Sunday when it happened to do something it hadn't done before - or since. Almost every event under every day was weather-related or environmental news. The previous week had been one of extreme weather & storms in much of the U.S., so it couldn't be helped I guess.

Then is when it struck me! Not only could such a listing be expanded, to include many items of interest from around the world, it would be an ideal report in which to list (and tie-in to current events) previously made predictions. Not just a weekly rundown of "Earth changes" but a unique report in which to document any predictions that came to pass. Never again would I - or anybody reading EARTH-CHANGES WEEKLY - have to try in vain to recall long-past predictions. Plus it would provide a way to catalog, and even cross-reference, changes occurring in a planet that's always in a state of flux. That, my friends, is the story of... EARTH-CHANGES WEEKLY (insert swelling musical crescendo & loud applause).

Earth Changes Weekly is an extension of the Earth Prophecy mailing list managed my Peter P. and hosted by Spiritweb. Peter P. is a Phoenix-based freelance writer who has split his work life during the past ten years between journalism, both as a freelancer & on staff of a biweekly alternative paper, and assisting the developmentally disabled.  Subscription to the Earth Prophecy mailing list is free; for further information contact:

Note from the webmaster:

SE would like to bring to your attention that the information posted on this site is not necessarily the latest information available during a time of crisis. There are many excellent sites with the up to the minute information that you would need during such a time. Some of these sites are listed on our links page, others can be found  using search engines on the net.

We also gently remind all: in any situation, fear clouds good judgement and tends to block our inner sources of information and intuition. We are indeed in a time of change, but it need not be a time of fear.

Submit your article, essay, insight, channeling or understanding to:
Please use the word 'submit' as the subject heading.









From Peter P, Editor: As a few readers have written me asking, "What are you up to?", this is as good an answer as any at this point. I'm getting the "wheels a'turning" again here, slow but sure, so things can click into full-gear by next year's start. Updating files, the FTP site & other odds & ends, to that end. Going to tackle the "predictions99" info (all of which is either in the form of news clippings and/or bookmarked online news, documenting hits/misses) next.

My personal circumstances have changed enough so that I will be able to spend more time online, enough so that ECWeekly should be able to be compiled *without* help of volunteers.

ECWeekly may appear sporadically over the next six weeks or so, but the plan at this time is to return to a regular publishing schedule as of the second week of Jan. 2000.

I still hope to find 7 volunteers who can spare about 20 minutes one day per week, each cutting/pasting two news articles on events occurring for the day they pick (i.e., each volunteer covers one day of the week, collecting news for the "Day-by-day News" area that began each ECWeekly.) Interested volunteers may contact me at

Peter P.
